About Santo 關於盛圖

Santo CPA / Secretarial 盛圖會計/ 秘書

We provide the following for your business needs:  

  • Accounting, Audit & Taxation Services
  • Company Registration Services
  • Secretarial Services



  • 會計、審計及稅項服務
  • 公司註冊
  • 秘書服務

Santo Strategic Ventures / Best Union Management 盛圖策略 / 聯佳管理

We are eager to act as an angel investor, providing funding and / or taking an active role in management. 


Santo Global Investments 盛圖環球投資

We primarily act as passive investor and carry ourselves as responsible shareholders.


Achieving Milestones with Our Partners 與夥伴經歷不同階段

Contact Us 聯絡我們

Get in Touch 接觸一下

Let's Partner Up. 同心協力

Let us know whatever it is you're hoping to accomplish. We'll let you know if it's something we can help with. We look forward to hearing from you! 請告訴我們您心目中任何想達成之事情,我們會如實告知我們是否有能力幫忙! 

Santo (HK) Group of Companies 盛圖(香港)集團公司

24/F, 54-58 Jardine's Bazaar, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong

+852 2881 1898 admin@santo.group